My Internal Conflicts

There's something inside me that pulls me away
From everyone, from every soul I know.
Sometimes it's dressed as damp and dusky  depression
On other ocassions, it comes blazing 
as fiery flames of unfathomable rage.
Whatever it is, it's up to no good.
It's either some devil or some divine inspiration.
Which posseses me, blocks my vision.
Makes me wanna end one of the two.
Either myself or every connection I have to this world.
It alludes me towards the path of loneliness.
Tempts me to be free of these emotional hindrances.
To truly discover what I am.
To find what lies beneath this body.
To leave this materialistic world full of shallow people.
Who consider few pieces of paper divine.
Who sell their souls for some false titles or deeds.
Pray tell me what is yours that'll always be yours?
When your own body will someday wither away.
What is it that you're so proud of?
What fuels that egoistic smirk on your face?
What's the reason for your false feeling of superiority,
when you're same flesh and blood as a pig in the mud?
God! Why am I so disgusted with this breed of men?
If you're really there, then tell me what's the plan?
Or, do you also think what I'm begging to grasp?
That maybe it's all just pointless.
